Six Key Elements in Supporting a Loved One Overcome Pornography Addiction

Mar 13, 2020

Incredible women can feel alone as they support their loved one. We, at Addo, can offer guidance, support and community.

Six Key Elements in supporting a loved one overcome pornography addiction

At some point in your life, you will likely know someone with a pornography addiction. For so many, this growing epidemic has become a new reality. As a society, we're no longer turning our heads away from this significant problem. Likewise, the attention is now on healing the addiction. Problematically, our support appears to focus predominantly on men. It's sad to think many women giving full support are often left behind in the process of recovery. 

Often, a good woman walks the path alongside a man on the road to recovery. At the same time, she's traveling a separate path of her own. The harsh reality is a woman's supportive path is generally a lonely and unsupported one. At
Addo Recovery, we recognize this emotional and stressful time in her life. For that reason, we offer free services, geared specifically toward women in a supporting role. You can sign-up today at There you will receive access to our resources and addiction courses. 

When you begin supporting a person with a sexual/pornography addiction, knowing what to say or do can be difficult. It is very helpful to learn and understand all you can about the addiction. For example, what are the behaviors and characteristics of an addiction? What can you be watching for? As a result, as you learn the nature of an addiction, you'll be able to discover your essentiality within the process of addiction recovery. At Addo Recovery, we teach supporters the tools that aid in approaching and supporting addicts as their addiction is confronted, addressed, and changed. 

Additionally, we provide the ability to connect the addict and the supporter with trained pornography addiction therapists. Research and experience show each side hurting from addiction, both the addict and their close loved ones, benefit from professional support and guidance. Neither has to walk through their painful journey alone.

Overcoming Addiction Element #1 - Pornography Exposure -


Whether you are a wife, mother, sister, or friend, each of you play a role in helping the person you care about. You are critical to his recovery process. We want you to understand the behavioral environments of his addiction. Studies have shown sexual habits are beginning at younger ages. Consequently, the younger the age an addiction starts, the more rooted it becomes by adulthood. 

"In my experience, most cases of addiction to pornography actually started between ages 10 and 14. The problem is that addiction starts with exposure and children are exposed to pornography in a variety of settings. At a friends house, an older brothers magazine, parents DVD, R-rated movies, Victoria's Secret catalogues, email pop-ups - they all arouse curiosity connected to arousal. It is becoming easier and easier for children to come across pornography in their everyday lives."
- DR. KEVIN SKINNER (The Six Key Elements that Form a Sex/Porn Addiction)

Addictions start with exposure, no matter the age. Every day we are exposed to sexual images and explicit innuendos. As adults, we may or may not even realize it. Our children are no different, especially our teenagers.

Many adults can exhibit mental restraint to block these images and innuendos out. Yet it isn’t as easy for many to turn away from the source. It seems as though many adults are becoming numb to this exposure. Viewing sexual media appears to have become an acceptable practice by society's standards. Like it or not, it seems to be flowing into our lives, phones, homes, and communities. If left unchecked, unintentional exposure can lead to intentional exposure. Without proper intervention,
deliberate exposure can lead to an addiction.

Overcoming addiction - Element #2 Influential People -


Why does a child or an adult develop a pornography addiction? A parent's style of parenting can play a significant part in the development of an addiction. On the flip side, it can play a role in a child’s recovery too. A parent’s loving involvement helps a child to develop an ability to cope and process the world around him. A sister’s interactions can also help her sibling in his recovery process. Likewise, how engaged a wife is in her relationship with her spouse, can play a significant part as well. This shows women in supporting roles are vital to influencing change. 

As you can see, there are many roles played by women in a man's life. How you engage in a child or man's life has a positive or negative influence on him. Similarly, your relationship will have an impact on his pornography addiction and recovery. 

1. A wife

2. A Mother

3. A Sister

4. A Friend

Sexual and pornography addictions can create trauma for all those involved. This hurt includes those who are the closest to the addict. Generally speaking, as part of the addiction, he will likely push you away. It is important to remember this isn't about you.

Overcoming Addiction Element #3 Pulling Away -



For some individuals, interacting with others can create social anxiety. As a result, a lack of physical interaction could drive a person to pornography as a way to avoid feeling lonely. The immense feeling of being alone is one of the main reasons why adults view pornography. Likewise, both situations can make an individual feel nervous or inadequate. Pornography brings a false sense of relief. Pornography can create a phony escape from the stress of wanting a connection. This seems to be especially true for individuals who feel hopeless about finding a relationship. 

The need and desire to isolate is one of the ugliest and hardest parts of addiction. As a woman, your influence can help him change his feelings of hopelessness, anger, and anxiety. Additionally, your goal should be to help him stay connected with others close to him. Your role can help encourage and strengthen him to build his self-efficacy. As a result, he will gain the confidence to sort through his feelings of loneliness and fear. This will be a commanding victory and step forward in his recovery process.

Overcoming addiction Element #4 Model of unhealthy relationships


Every child and adult needs an example of a healthy relationship in their life. If not, it can be hard for individuals to
form healthy relationships of their own. This process is especially true for those who become addicted to pornography. 

As explained before, pornography provides its viewers with a false sense of reality. Pornography does not offer a positive example of how to treat a woman. It perverts and forms an unrealistic reality for the addicted person producing an unhealthy state of mind. A mind begins to be controlled by the emotional, physical, and intellectual bias of pornography noot by what is real or healthy. 

An overly sexualized home exposes children to sexual behaviors they do not comprehend. Likewise, it can provide similar negative allusions for men. As a mother or wife, you have the power to take control of your home. Your goal should be to have a safe, welcoming home environment.

Overcoming Addiction Element #5 Negative Social System


Sex is everywhere in our society today. It has become our responsibility to regulate the media's influence in our homes. As a result of the constant inundation, it seems to have become a mother and wife's full-time job to keep their families safe.

Sexual expression has become the center of today's advertisements. Many advertisements are targeting teenagers and even younger demographics. Sex sells in our society, and with the generated amount of money each year from ads, there are no signs of it stopping. 

For example, television continues to increase sexual content year after year. While society ignored the problem, it seems to have perpetuated it. As a result, pornography and sex addiction rates continue to reach new heights each year. Cultural norms teach society what behaviors are appropriate, regardless of the consequences. Right now, pornography is eroding our society. Starting in your home, you can take a drastic stand against it.

Overcoming Addiction Element #6 Early sexual or pornographic experiences


How does an addicted person respond to his accountability for bad behavior? They minimize it. Most individuals with an addiction to pornography deceive themselves. They talk themselves into thinking the problem is not bad. Or worse, they trick those around them into thinking everything is okay. 

The effects of early sexual experiences and exposure to pornography are staggering. In recent studies, evidence has shown it can alter a child's genes. Looking at pornography provides instant gratification, yet it doesn't meet their sexual desires. Long-term results show pornography causes addicts to begin to exhibit more radical behaviors over time. All of this, after what might have started simply because of curiosity or an unfulfilled need. 

As a woman, adjusting your focus to helping your loved one recognize his radical thoughts or behaviors is essential. Addo Recovery encourages you to help him decide to get help through a recovery program. Recovery starts with honesty. When he can evaluate and understand his actions, it can provide him with the courage to begin a path to healing. Your role as a woman in the recovery process is an integral part of his success. 

Pornography is only one symptom of much deeper rooted sexual issues for men and women. It is natural for him to minimize his addiction or the recovery process. Addressing the root of the problem leads to a successful recovery. A licensed therapist can help him work through issues that he may not realize exist.

Regardless of your role as a wife, mom, sister or friend, the resounding message we have for you is you are important. You do not have to fight this battle alone. There is hope. There is support available to you through the process of healing and recovery. We are here to help you. You have a place to turn to. We are eager to hear from you.

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Bloom helps women move beyond the trauma from infidelity.

Path helps men recover from sexual addiction and repair damaged relationships.

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