Sexual and Pornography Addiction Therapy

We train, vet and assure our therapists are specialized in sexual addiction therapy.

99% of clients felt safe with their therapist.

96% of clients felt they were given actionable items to improve their lives.

Sexual and Porn Addiction Therapy

We train, vet and assure our therapists are specialized in sexual and porn addiction therapy.

99% of clients felt safe with their therapist.

96% of clients felt they were given actionable items to improve their lives.

How getting therapy works

Step One

Understand the depth and breadth of the addiction.

The acting out behaviors are only the tip of the iceberg. Many of our therapists provide assessments to assess your levels of depression, anxiety, stress, life satisfaction, areas of emphasis, levels of acting out and relationship satisfaction. We will uncover the areas that are prohibiting you from finding relief from unwanted behaviors.


Step Two

Identify the therapy types that you need.

In your first session, your therapist will uncover additional qualitative data to continue to facilitate the development of your personalized recovery plan. Your plan can include individual therapy, group therapy, EMDR therapy, couples therapy, yoga therapy and/or mindfulness.


Step Three

Identify the right specialization for you.

Therapy success is determined, in large part, to the specialization and personality fit of the therapist. With a personalized plan in place, we will now match you with the right therapist having the right specialization and personality that will best support you in your recovery journey.


Step Four

Pause, reflect and continually measure your improvement.

With each client, our goal is that you find empathy, connection, safety and continual growth on your journey of recovery and healing.

If you find that your therapist isn't a fit, or that you're not progressing, let your therapist know and she will pause, reflect and suggest improvements.

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