Find Safety in Communities

Our 40,000+ member communities combine science and research with free courses and professional help.

Science backed and research based

Find Safety in Communities

Using a combination of science, research, free resources and professional help we support the healing of many of life's difficult mental health issues.

Our communities are backed by research and therapist developed content.

"One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals."

Jean Vanier

Bloom for Women

Join 40,000+ women to find safety, heal, and grow past the trauma from infidelity.

Bloom is a digital community providing specialized, empathetic, compassionate, online courses, coaching and workshops for women healing from the trauma of infidelity.


Path for Men

Recover from sexual addiction and find your path back to connection and healthy relationships.

Path is our digital recovery community providing specialized, empathetic, and compassionate online courses, coaching and workshops to overcome unwanted sexual behaviors and repair damaged relationships.

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